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Citizen Science Labs

Our Citizen Science (CS) Labs are at the heart of our initiative. They consist of face-to-face meetings and workshops, with remote online support,  for bringing together all citizen science volunteers and conducting experiments.  Each CS Lab is headed by a professional Researcher who provides support for the science activities.


CS Lab activities consist of a series of workshops which will take the citizen, business and city administration participants through the co-creation process of local environmental problem definition, experiment design, data collection, analysis, solutioning and change.


This approach challenges us all in a human-centric way, enabling issues to be explored through brainstorming, hands-on prototyping, and testing.  Join a CS Lab in the menu above for more information.

Our Citizen Science Experiments

Create and Collaborate for Change

Simple Sensors

We help communities set up simple air quality experiments using data sensors to capture air quality and other related information (e.g. traffic counting) to better understand air status at a local level

Personalized Content

Online air quality maps and dashboards using easy-to-understand graphics help show relationships between air quality and other local factors e.g. traffic, for individual and group analysis.

Community Support

Using the online maps and dashboards individuals and communities can work out what needs to be done at a personal, local and city-wide level to improve air quality for all. 

Join an experiment in one of our locations below


Flanders, Belgium

Focus: Measuring the impact of a school street in Herzele on traffic and air quality in a surrounding area.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Focus: 1) Determining the impact of the introduction of school bus routes for morning and noon transport to school through a community building exercise with 2 schools on the outskirts of the LEZ. 2) Establishing the typical air pollution exposure profile of older kids in schools with school bus service implementation in public transportation. 3) Evaluate the efficiency of window meshes at reducing indoor PM levels at a kindergarten school. 

Athens, Greece

Focus: Creating awareness on air quality among the elderly.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Focus: 1) Raising awareness and knowledge among school kids on typical PM phenomena. 2) Raising awareness on the impact of traffic on air pollution and generating baseline measurements for the future introduction of an LEZ.

Berlin, Germany

Focus: 1) Ascertaining exposure of cyclists and school kids on their way to school/work and evaluating both spontaneous and “helped” behavioural change with the overarching aim to push this experience to other cyclists and schools across Berlin. 2) Increase the amount of information on air quality available in the Friedrichshagen area on the city outskirts as only 1 reference station is located there, demonstrating the use of citizen science to accomplish this. 3) Demonstrate the positive effect of a local traffic ban on liveability in the affected neighbourhood. Get the neighbourhood involved and build support for this specific measure through monitoring and data workshops.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036563.  This website represents the views of the COMPAIR project only. Read our Terms & Conditions.

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